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Central laboratory for the South American platform

With more than 30,000 square feet of technical installations, services every area of business, carrying out agronomy, food, environmental and mining analyses. Beyond ISO:17025 and various recognitions from diverse bodies and local municipalities. Inaugurated in 2004

Accreditations (+)

Maximum international accreditation for laboratory analyses granted by the National Institute of Norms (INN, Instituto Nacional de Normalización de Chile) physicochemical studies in water (LE-667,LE-673) and microbiological analyses in waters (LE-739), food (LE-740), surface-handlers (LE-741) and chemistry of wines, food and hydrobiological products.

LE/667 | LE/673 | LE/739 | LE/740 | LE/741 | LE/880
Accreditation for laboratory analyses, granted by International Accreditation Services (IAS) for the determination of pesticide residues in fruits and horticultural products.


Permits (+)


Latest news

20/08/2018 - Food Area
On June 13th, AGQ Lab purchased 100% of the shares of DIAGNOTEC SpA diagnostic laboratory, an organization with more than 15 years of experience in the field of molecular bi...
25/10/2012 - Food Area
AGQ Chile has published its annual multiresidue analysis for the 2011-12 season. The report details complete information about the presence of pesticides in fresh produce – fruit...
19/10/2012 - Agronomy
AGQ Labs will provide nutritional monitroing services to Nabios's  (Nuts Asociation of Bio Bio), a Chilean associative company of nuts production, processing and mar...


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