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  • Adquisición de Diagnotec, Laboratorio especializado en Acuicultura en Chile
  • Adquisición de Alkemi, Laboratorio líder en análisis alimentarios, de pharma y de cosméticos  en España
  • Asquisición de Lambda, Lab alimentario, industrial y Ambiental en Costa Rica
  • Acquisition of Prodycon, leading environmental laboratory in Colombia
  • New laboratory of toys and school supplies in Chile
  • New global strategy with local websites for each country
  • Nueva sede corporativa en Sevilla.
  • Centralización de todos los servicios corporativos. Ampliación instalaciones y acreditación en Perú.
  • Integración dentro de nuestra red de laboratorios de Controlab, Laboratorio ambiental adquirido en Portugal.
  • Implantación de un laboratorio de radioactividad ambiental en España.
  • Adquisición en Portugal de Controlab, Laboratorio ambiental.
  • Premio Impulso a la Internacionalización otorgado por Cofides.
  • Lanzamiento de la App Besafer, para consulta de resultados y comunicación de alertas en teléfono móvil.
  • AGQ celebra su 20th aniversario con la presencia de SAR El Príncipe de Asturias y diversas autoridades del mundo de la política y empresarial.
  • Nuevas instalaciones de AGQ en Egipto
  • Nueva Planta Piloto en AGQ Mining España para realizar estudios encaminados a optimizar procesos en el sector minero-metalúrgico.
  • Acreditación por INDECOPI de nuestro laboratorio de Perú (ensayos ambientales)
  • Implementation of the new laboratory in the United States (California)
  • ISO-17025 Accreditation by the IAS Entity of the mining laboratory in Peru
  • Implementation of a new laboratory for samples preparation in Mexico (Guadalajara)
  • ISO-17025 Accreditation by the IAS Entity for the pesticide residue analysis in our laboratory of Chile
  • Activity in Italy and Mexico begins
  • New Laboratories established in Lima (Peru) and Mohammedia (Morocco)
  • Accreditation for the mining laboratory in Spain is approved by the North American agency IAS (international accreditation service)
  • IAS also approves accreditation for the laboratory in Morocco
  • New business venture: Biopharmaceutics
  • New business venture: AGQ Mining & Bioenergy
  • Presented with the Chamber of Commerce Award in Seville
  • AGQ commences activity in COLOMBIA
  • Expansion of accreditation and analytical range for the industry: REACH
  • Recognition of new ERT GLOBAL directive
  • AGQ commences activity in USA, ECUADOR, and COSTA RICA
  • ISO:17020 accreditation for environmental inspection
  • New expansion of installations and corporate services for subsidiaries
  • New diversifications. The Industry and Mining Department is created.
  • AGQ commences activity in GUATEMALA and MEXICO
  • Wings Award for international establishment. Regional Government of Andalucía
  • Mining laboratory outsourcing and management
  • AGQ commences activity in MOROCCO and ARGENTINA
  • Authorized by Wal Mart to perform product analyses for supplier control
  • Solea is born, a holding company where AGQ is integrated
  • AGQ commences activity in TUNISIA
  • New laboratory in Chile, Peruvian subsidiary is consolidated
  • GLP accreditation (Good Laboratory Practices, per REACH legislation)
  • AGQ commences activity in Egypt
  • New technologies incorporated: Triple-quadrupole MS (GC & LC) and ICP-MS
  • National Institute of Normalization (INN, Instituto Nacional de Normalización) of Chile approves ISO:17025 accreditation for Chilean laboratory
  • Diversification: Environmental Department is created
  • Expansion of headquarters in Burguillos (Spain)
  • AGQ commences activity in PERU and URUGUAY
  • Analytical method development specific to the food sector (wine, fish, oils, vegetables, frozen foods, etc.)
  • Collaboration begins with important supermarkets and shopping centers to carry out supplier control (analytical testing)
  • A new laboratory in Santiago de Chile is inaugurated
  • First ENAC accreditation: ISO17025
  • AGQ commences activity in CHILE
  • New laboratory is constructed in Burguillos (Spain)
  • Microbiology laboratory is created
  • The use of suction probes for the extraction of ground solutions is patented
  • Agriquem becomes a leader in the nutritional control of crops in Spain
  • Regional office opened in Valencia. Business Development in all of Eastern Spain (Cataluña, Murcia and Valencia)
  • AGQ commences activity in Portugal
  • An experimental agronomy center is purchased, with 100 hectares of crops for R&D
  • Work is begun in the Food (Safety) Sector. Organic Laboratory
  • Business development in Valencia (Citrus fruits)
  • Agriquem becomes a leader in the nutritional control of crops in Andalucía
  • First R&D project with a European scope (eureka savital)
  • Business development in Seville and Huelva. Citrus fruits and fruit trees
  • First facilities change. New analytical instrumentation
  • Agriquem (now AGQ Labs) is born as a small inorganic laboratory and agronomy consultancy in Villaverde del Río (Seville)