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10/09/2011 - Environmental
In June AGQ was awarded several spill control contests, among which include the following, for the position that we foster. One was the Control of industrial waste in the municipa...
08/06/2011 - Environmental
Recently, AGQ Labs has expanded its scope of accreditation in the environment. This scope of record exceeds 50 pages and contains nearly all the needs of Spanish and European envir...
07/06/2011 - Environmental
Recientemente, AGQ Labs ha ampliado su alcance de acreditación en la parte ambiental. Dicho alcance supera 50 folios de expediente y contiene casi la totalidad de las necesi...
27/05/2011 - Environmental
AGQ was awarded the “Service Water Sample Analysis, Soil and Waste” associated with the closure plan Plant Ovalle of the National Mining Company (Enami), owned by Codel...
11/12/2008 - Environmental
AGQ América se adjudicó para el período 2008-2011 los monitores de calidad de aguas y caracterización residuos líquidos de la planta Tupan – Cholguan de l...
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