Green Partnerships: AGQ and CompostGreen
CompostGreen, a young Spanish company has trusted AGQ Labs for R&D work in project improvement and control
05/11/2012 - Environmental
CompostGreen is an innovative fertilization product: compost from organic waste that is both colorful and odor-free. The company aims to produce and market a fertilizer attractive to the markets, from compost derived from household wastes. The objective behind the development – “to incentivize consumers to close the organic matter cycle; make society reunse their waste and create value in the process,†says Mark Gold, co-founder of the project.
CompostGreen has partnered with AGQ to develop a product that is both highly effective and aesthetically appealing. According to Gold, “Our product recycles waste, fertilizes plants and serves as a decorative work because of natural dyes, which provide a unique look and are beneficial for plants.â€
In addition to AGQ personell, the development team is comprised of three CompostGreen reps: Jesus Gil (Agricultural Engineer), Eva Maria Boluda (Commercial), and Marcos Dorado (Civil, Canals and Port Engineer).