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AGQ Labs starts activities in South Africa

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23/03/2017 - Agronomy

The growth of AGQ Labs around the world is based on the great differential factors that our company offers to the market. We support our clients offering analytical services and technical support to meet their needs.


We are pleased to inform about the opening of our services in South Africa, focusing on the Agrifood sector, which has high requirements to ensure the quality and safety of the products.


AGQ Labs is a chemical technological center with over 20 years of international experience in 26 countries in America, Europe and Africa. We based our services on advanced analyses and specialized chemical engineering. We also provide solutions and services for environmental, industrial and mining sectors.


We are experts in agricultural chemistry with a special soil-plant-water system control to help our clients to improve and increase crop production and product quality. It also optimizes fertilizer and water usage and prevents pesticide leaching.


AGQ Labs also offers BeSafer, an exclusive online service and mobile app free-of-charge for all clients. It enables clients to have real-time acces to their analytical results and process at any stage.


Services for South African market:

- Agronomic services and Consultancy –


- Crop Nutritional Monitoringâ„¢

Based on the comprehensive understanding and control of the soil-plant-water system. Our agronomists study and interpret interaction between fertilizers applied, water and properties of each soil to determine nutrient uptake, pH control, salinity and leaching fraction.

- GIS and NDVI services (maps of nutrients)

- Cell Wall – Calcium

- Root Reserve Analysis (Arginine + Starch + Phosphorus + Potassium)

- Root Phosphite

- Food Safety and Quality analytical services -


- Pesticide residues

- Heavy Metals

- Micotoxyns

- Other poullants in food

- Quality Control: Acidity, Sugars, Vitamins, etc.