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Green Areas (fields, golf, parks, landscaping, lawns, pitch, etc.)

Ecological control of the average and maximum use of resources. Maximum quality in grass.

Evaluation of soil-plant-water system continuation

  • Analyses of soil solutions via suction probes. Adjustment of fertilizer release according to plant demands (irrigation and fertilization, or in some cases, precision fertigation). Avoid health problems, optimize water requirements, control lechates, minimize environmental impact
  • Analysis of soils, waters, foliage, fertilizers, etc.
areas verdes 1
areas verdes 2

Control of correct use of residual purified water for irrigation

  • Analysis of irrigation water: agronomic quality and sanitariness per RD 1620/2008

Controlled application of pesticides and analysis for verification of non-contamination

  • Analysis of pesticide residues

Implementation and monitoring of quality certificates. Consulting (ISO 14001, Q Quality, etc.)

Hygiene and health controls in catering (microbiological and micropollutants analysis in food products and surfaces)

Accreditation by ENAC per the criteria of ISO:17025

Environmental inspection body per ISO:17020